Willow Hall Charter
Be it known unto all nations, kindred, tongues, and people unto whom this shall come; that we, rangers bound together by a devotion to the lands and its people, have forged together a union of friends. We first came together as clansmen sharing a Solitary Modwir Tree as our only sanctuary and meeting place. Over time, our numbers grew, as did our dedication to build a House that would be recognized within the Lands. We overcame terrible obstacles and suffered tremendous hardships to bring our goals to fruition. We now claim our rightful place in Elanthia as the Rangers of Willow Hall.
Signed this 10th day of Eorgaen, 5099 (December 10, 1999), as we stand before the doors of our new home and the realization of our dreams, Willow Hall.

Who are these rangers of Willow Hall?
The House, Willow Hall, is a ranger-focused house. We have always been thus, and we will always follow that way of life. All of us that join the organization and family become members of The Willow Hall Clan, and all of us are rangers of Willow Hall and of Elanthia.
"And just what is a ranger then," you might ask? You may say to yourself, "I'm a wizard, or an empath ... a priest, or a rogue ... a bard, a warrior, a sorcerer..." and then you may ask yourself, "Am I supposed to even be here?"
Rangers are the explorers, the mapmakers, the trailblazers, and scouts. They are the hunters, the fur traders, the food providers, and herb finders. They are the watchers, the protectors, the helpers, and guides. They are the people that have a great affinity for nature and the ways of the wilderness. The term ranger shares some and all of these characteristics and more.
Each of the members that joined Willow Hall has parts of some or all of these characteristics that make up their daily lives. Most of us in The Willow Hall Clan have even made this way of life into our life's profession by focusing on nature's mysteries and delving into the depths of that knowledge in order to harness the powers of the forces that abide there. Whereas others of us have focused their main studies elsewhere to become practiced wizards, sorcerers, bards, warriors, clerics, or rogues. But all of us that make the house Willow Hall our home (no matter their life's profession) are rangers that roam Elanthia's great expanse of lands. Those people that don't agree with this way of life will find that The Willow Hall Clan is not the organization and family they've been searching for.
Sir Lord Zanteal Magintair Ex-Chairman: Willow Hall
Ex-Co-Secretary: Willow Hall
Knight Sentinel of Voln and Master of the Arts
Master Archivist and WebMaster
The Dark Elven Survivalist