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Willow  Hall  Handbook
Fashanos 16, 5122
(February 16, 2022)

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~   Table of Contents   ~


Willow Hall Mission Statement

The Five Directives of Willow Hall

Willow Hall Coat of Arms - Symbolical Articles

Willow Hall Charter

Willow Hall Bylaws

Article I - Statement of Governing

Article II - Laws of The House

Article III - Roles of Office

Article IV - Membership, Meetings, Initiation, Dues, Funds

Article V - Membership Services

Article VI - Joining Willow Hall Process

Article VII - Member Oath, Officer Oath

Article VIII - Officers




*~*~* Willow Hall Mission Statement *~*~*


     We are a hall dedicated to ranger ideals including the love of nature and the lore of living things. We recognize these ideals live within the hearts of all races, cultures and professions and welcome those who embrace these ideals to our home.

We seek to impart knowledge of our surroundings and lend our talents to those who seek to become proficient in our combined lores. We welcome diversity and endeavor to coexist with all nature and our surroundings.



*~*~* The Five Directives of the Willow Hall Ranger *~*~*


     We believe that the foremost principles and ordinances of the Willow Hall Ranger are:

Directive One: We have a strong commitment to the lands we roam and believe in keeping it free, clean and safe for all adventurers. This commitment encompasses a belief that the Ranger way of life is the noblest calling in the Lands.

Directive Two: We, the Rangers of Willow Hall claim the right to form our own government. Officers in that government have the responsibility to add, change, and or clarify any by-law or directive as needed and which is in the best interest of Willow Hall and it's members.

Directive Three: We believe that all people have the right to freely roam the lands.

Directive Four: We believe that any group invading the lands and endangering the lives of others is in direct violation of the third directive, and the Rangers of Willow Hall are sworn to defend such invasions by being the FIRST IN and LAST OUT!

Directive Five: The Rangers of Willow Hall show faith in the officers and in their leadership with their adherence and commitment of the bylaws and the officers.



*~*~* Coat of Arms - Symbolical Articles *~*~*


     The House Coat of Arms is a green willow tree on a field of black. The colors of Willow Hall are green and black.


     Willow Hall gems; Amethyst, Onyx, Emerald.




*~*~* Willow Hall Charter *~*~*


     Be it known unto all nations, kindred, tongues, and people unto whom this shall come; that we, rangers bound together by a devotion to the lands and its people, have forged together a union of friends. We first came together as clansmen sharing a Solitary Modwir Tree as our only sanctuary and meeting place. Over time, our numbers grew, as did our dedication to build a House that would be recognized within the Lands. We overcame terrible obstacles and suffered tremendous hardships to bring our goals to fruition. We now claim our rightful place in Elanthia as the Rangers of Willow Hall.

Signed this 10th day of Eorgaen, 5099 (December 10, 1999), as we stand before the doors of our new home and the realization of our dreams, Willow Hall.



*~*~* Willow Hall Bylaws *~*~




     The official name registered with The Houses of Elanthia is Willow Hall. Hereinafter, referred to as the "House."


Statement of Governing


     Willow Hall is governed by elected officers who manage the affairs of the House, and are lead by the Willow Guardian/Chairman.

The Willow Guardian is responsible to the membership for the day to day operations of Willow Hall

The elected officers are responsible to the membership to assist the Chairman in any and all actions taken for the best interests of the House.

If a disagreement occurs, the officers with agreement by a majority, may request the Chairman to reconsider the decision. If the majority of officers find the response not satisfactory, they may vote and overturn the act or decision.

The Chairman directs the agenda of Willow Hall, including votes, meetings, and events.





Laws of The House


One Player - One Persona - One Vote Policy


     Willow Hall welcomes all adventurers to active membership. In as much as we do enjoy the support of players with multiple accounts, a one persona (one soul / one player) one vote policy shall apply. Member's alternate characters do not have a vote and cannot be officers. There are no exceptions to this policy. Every interviewer is required to include the direct question of whether or not the character is directed by a player with multiple accounts. The prospective member must be made aware of the One Vote Policy as stated herein before submitting the membership application to join Willow Hall.

Willow Hall is essentially a republic with the Willow Guardian as Leader and the elected officials acting as a senate. The Willow Guardian has the authority and power to manage Willow Hall and all day to day operations. The Willow Guardian will manage agendas, relations with Cooperative Houses of Elanthia, relations with other Houses, and will oversee Willow Hall events. The officers, in the event of actions or decisions deemed not in the best interests of Willow Hall, may remove or overturn a Chairman's act or decision with a quorum 2/3 majority vote.

Parliamentary Procedures

- A Parliament may be formed from the standing officers and general members of Willow Hall for the purpose of revising Bylaws or to address issues regarding non-compliance to the Bylaws.

- The President of the Parliament will be the Co-Chairman of the House or, should the Co-Chairman be unable to serve in this capacity, an elected member of the Parliament can be appointed to serve.

- If a revision of the Bylaws is made and approved by a 2/3 - majority vote of the officers. it will then be placed before the entire membership body for a vote where a simple majority will make the decision to implement the Bylaws revision.

- The Parliament will decide what constitutes non-compliance with Willow Hall Bylaws. The President of the Parliament, will notify the Chairman of the situation, and advise the Chairman on the resolution to take. If there is a discrepancy, the Chancellor, President of Judges, will make the final decision.

- The Parliament makes suggestions for improvements to existing laws.

- The Parliament makes suggestions for laws as needed.

- The Parliament works with President of Parliament in all revisions.

- The Parliament observes all members at all times to ensure all members are upholding the house beliefs and laws.

- Election polls for office shall be open for a minimum of two weeks.

- If the Willow Guardian and the Branch Guardian are unable to fulfill their responsibilities, the Chancellor will act as Chairman initiating elections vested by the duties of the Chancellor's office.


- The Chairman may initiate membership termination procedures for failure to meet membership requirements as stated herein. The termination procedure shall provide all members an opportunity to have a hearing. All members shall have the right to request a hearing. All members shall be permitted to defend against any allegations set forth by the Chairman.

- A quorum shall be defined as a majority of the officers.

- A hearing will consist of The Chairman, a quorum of the officers and those members that can attend.

- Before a hearing is conducted, a mailing to all members will be required with minimum of a two week notice.

- The hearing will be conducted by The Chancellor, President of Judges.

- If terminated, a member may be allowed to rejoin by the Chairman's approval after demonstrating eligibility for membership.





Roles of Office


     The current officers will be displayed on the plaque at the House front doorway.


Willow Guardian - Chairman

- Responsible to the membership for operation of the House

- Responsible to reply to all Cooperative Houses of Elanthia, Willow Hall

mail, and postings.

- Responsible to insure all Cooperative Houses of Elanthia requirements for reporting are completed as required.

- Acts as moderator and plans Willow Hall meetings scheduled or unscheduled as needed.

- Acts on the decisions and actions taken by Parliament. In case of the Chairman or officer disagreement with Parliamentary decisions and actions, the Chairman will call a special officers meeting for discussion of those decisions with a notice of a minimum of two weeks. Actions can only be overturned with a vote of at least two-thirds of the officers.

- Acts the decisions and actions of the Chancellor and judges on inductions and discipline issues. In case of a Chairman or officer disagreement a special officer meeting will be called for discussion with a notice of a minimum of two weeks. These decisions or actions can be overridden with a 2/3 vote of the officers present.

- Acts on punishments decreed by the Chancellor for member infractions.

- The Chairman shall be involved in and maintain oversight in any decision which involves the actions, events, and or activities of Willow Hall.

- The Chairman will make the final decision on any action, event, or decision decreed for the House.

- The Chairman has the power to fill any vacant officer position by appointment until current election methods can be implemented and accomplished.

- The Chairman is required to schedule elections to fill all vacant or appointed positions.

- Arbitration will be directed through the Chairman's office or their appointees.


Branch Guardian - President of Parliament - Co-Chairman

- Will assume the responsibilities of the Chairman when the elected Chairman is unavailable.

- The Co-Chairman is the President of Parliament and will oversee all Parliamentary actions, not limited to, the development of Amendments to the Charter, By- Laws, bills, rules or customs of Willow Hall's governmental operations.

- Convenes and recruits Parliament members under the direction of The Chairman.

- Acts to assist The Chairman and all officers as needed.


Chancellor - President of Judges

- Will act as Chairman only if the Chairman and the Co-Chairman are unavailable.

- Recruits, trains, leads the jury of judges.

- Responsible, presiding over, for the purpose of resolving player, member and character disputes that may affect Willow Hall. The Chancellor is required to report their recommendations to the Chairman for actions as deemed necessary.

- Convenes a jury with Judges to determine the appropriate punishments for members violating, not limited to, Willow Hall policies, Charter or By-Laws and reports findings to the Chairman for disciplinary decisions.

- Directs or assigns Judges to conduct interviews of prospective members and makes recommendations to the officers for approval.

- Appoints a Willow Guardian/Chairman, if both Willow Guardian and Branch Guardian positions are vacant.

- If the Willow Guardian and the Branch Guardian are unable to fulfill their responsibilities, the Chancellor will act as Chairman and appoint a Willow Guardian until elections can be held to choose a Willow Guardian. This election will take place within 7 days and requires the elected person to be a member of the body of officers.


Exchequer (Treasurer)

- Reports financial status to the Chairman and officers as per the Chairman's requests.

- Makes deposits and withdrawals from House funds as directed by the Chairman.

- Maintains an accurate and complete record of Willow Hall funds.

- Reports to the Chairman on all irregularities of Willow Hall accounts.


Auditor (Co-Treasurer)

- Acts as Treasurer, Exchequer, when the Treasurer is absent.

- Assists Treasurer in all treasury office duties as deemed necessary.


Scroll Keeper (Secretary)

- Maintains an accurate and up to date record of all members, including name, e-mail address, offices held and affiliations.

- Constructs and distributes a log of all Willow Hall meetings.

- Scribes a log of officer meetings, at the discretion of the attending officers, and distributes the logs to the officers when requested.

- Notifies the Chancellor of any officers not maintaining the Cooperative Houses of Elanthia required hours.

- Assists in maintaining the Willow Hall website. All web site construction and content shall be approved the Chairman.

- Acts to notify officers of events or meetings that may need cancelled due to the absence of the Chairman, Seneschal or event leaders.

- Shares responsibility with the Chairman to sort all Willow Hall mail, postings and forwards them to the appropriate member or officer.


Archive Keeper (Co-Secretary)

- Acts as Secretary when the Secretary is absent.

- Assists Secretary in all secretarial office duties as deemed necessary.


- Forms a jury with the Chancellor, President of Judges, to determine violation of House laws and by-laws for all members.

- Interviews prospective members at the direction of the Chancellor.



- Coordinates all Willow Hall functions, events, and activities.

- Responsible for all issues of hospitality for Willow Hall during Open House, meetings, event and gatherings to include stocking the refreshment cart, erecting and dismantling the Willow Hall tent, and providing support to the officers and members during these events.

- Coordinates with the Secretary for Calendar postings, prepares criers, and news items as directed by the Guardians.


The Concierge shall be available to assist the Seneschal and Chairman as deemed necessary to perform Willow Hall activities and Seneschal responsibilities.







- Membership is restricted by the minimum membership standards as set forth by the current policies of local government, Gemstone IV – Houses of Elanthia.

- Membership is unrestricted by consideration of profession, nationality, culture, life-style, sex or age.


- The Chairman will determine appropriate times and days for meetings to be held and may change them as needed to get the best possible attendance

- A member is required to attend at least one meeting or participation in a house event per month.

- Officers are required to attend one meeting per month and requested to attend all meetings possible, notify the Scroll Keeper or Guardian of their expected absence.

- A newsletter with the most current meeting minutes will be mailed weekly and posted in the appropriate forums.


- Membership in Willow Hall is contingent on compliance with requirements specified in these bylaws.

- Before induction a prospective member is required to have read and agreed to the GemStone IV House System.

- Before induction, a prospective member is required to have read and agreed to the Willow Hall Charter, Directives and Bylaws set forth here.

- Before induction of a prospective member, the officers performing the induction will ensure that the player has read and understood the Willow Hall Charter, Directives and Bylaws, the GemStone IV House System and is in agreement with the policies set forth in those Articles.


- An initial membership offering as stipulated by the local government (currently 25,000 silvers) applies to all members initiated.

- Dues of some amount may be instituted by a vote of the membership and will be payable, if instituted, monthly.

- Monthly dues are not required at the time of this writing.

- Dues, if instituted, will be collected by the House Clerk of the local government.

- General members will be notified when dues are required via the dues system, if instituted.

- General members who cannot meet their dues or will not be around must make arrangements with the Chairman in advance to avoid any membership disruption.

General Funds

- Membership contributions to GENERAL FUNDS will be considered as donations to Willow Hall.

- The General Funds can be drawn upon by the Treasurer for House expenses, House entertainment, loans, as deemed necessary to perform House activities and events.

- Members are not required to contribute to GENERAL FUNDS.

- Contributions do not entitle a member to special privileges.

- Contributions will not be accepted in lieu of loan repayments.

Categories of Membership

- General Member: A member who has met minimum House and government standards for membership. A general member is required to pay dues, if house dues are instituted.

- Founding Member: An original member who joined together with other original members laying down the constitutional foundation of Willow Hall.





Membership Services


     The following benefits follow the guidelines as set forth by the local government, Gemstone IV – Houses of Elanthia.

Organization Customs and Benefits


Motto "First In ~ Last Out"


     This motto is initiated by the Guardian, the Chairman, or the ranking officer that is present at the closing the meeting. This officer is responsible to solely and boldly reciting FIRST IN at the closing of the meeting. This is to be followed by a response from the entire capable fellowship of members and officers with a resounding yell of LAST OUT!


- Coat of Arms. The official colors of Willow Hall are green and black.

- Storage Facilities. There will be a standard-sized locker assigned to each member with a standard account in the House or the House Annex in the town where his or her public locker would otherwise reside; and a premium-sized locker assigned to each member with a premium account in the House and in each Annex of the House as provided by the Gemstone locker system.

- Open storage facilities in the Armory. There will be a supply room available to all members for storage of weapons, herbs and other items as the storage area permits.

- Workshop - A workshop will be available for our House Enchanters.

- Archery Targets in The Butts.

- Darts in the Gaming Lounge.

- Fishing Lake in the Companion Park.

- Hot Pool.

- Private Tables in the Pub and Sun Room.

- Free food and drink.

- Natural Earthnodes in the Garden and Companion Park.

- Private Rooms, contingent on eligibility and implementation.


Eligibility for Private Rooms

Note: There are no private rooms available other then the currently constructed rooms in Willow Hall. Any previous construction requests will follow, not limited to, the guidelines and approval, as stated herein.

The Willow Hall had a limited number of private rooms decorated for use by certain members. Due to such a limited number of private rooms, these Bylaws establish the following policies:


- Chairman will have a set of keys to ALL rooms in the Willow Hall lodgings. No exceptions.

- If a private room becomes available, the Chairman will put the room up for petition. Members will petition for the room. After suitable time, the Chairman will meet with the officers and vote on the petitioners. At such time, the winner of the vote will be notified and given the key to the room, if a key is available.

- In honor of the founding members, the name of the room and its decor will remain the same. This will be in compliance of Elanthian Cooperative Houses room name rulings and guidelines.

- Once a member has moved into a private room, it belongs to that member for as long as he or she resides in town, remains a member in good standing, and at the discretion of the House.

Private rooms may become available under the following conditions:

- If the person assigned to the room is no longer a member of the House.

- If the person assigned to the room should leave town for an extended period of time, then the officers reserve the right to reassign the room to someone else.

- The body of the officers will be in charge of re-assignments when they occur.





Join Willow Hall


     Willow Hall is comprised of members from a variety of backgrounds and every walk of life. Despite our differences, our fellowship shares a deep sense of camaraderie, honor, a respect for nature and all Elanthia's cultures, embracing the ranger way of life.

While some members have chosen to focus on the mysteries of nature and the spirits, becoming rangers. Others are called to focus elsewhere, becoming practiced, not limited to, empaths, sorcerers, wizards, bards, clerics, warriors, paladins, monks, and rogues.

All who hold to the ideals that bind our myriad of cultures and professions together and believe strongly in our Motto, "First In ~ Last Out" and our ranger ideals set forth here are welcome to join our ranks.


Joining Willow Hall Process


1. Contact any officer of Willow Hall for the information needed to complete a membership survey. This can be in the form of a written form or a verbal consultation. Any prospective member must meet a minimum of five (5) trainings to be considered eligible to become an official member.


2. Attend a few meetings to clarify who and what the Willow Hall Rangers are.


3. Request an interview. After a few meetings, contact of our Chancellor who may appoint a judge to conduct an interview. We do request that applicants review the information in the handbook and be familiar with our charter, by-laws and our ranger way of life.


4. The final step. Your name will be submitted to our Willow Guardian, who will make the final determination of your (and our) compatibility. After approval, you will be inducted into the Hall. Any prospective member must pay an initiation fee of 25,000 SILVER. This will be due at the induction ceremony held at Willow Hall, and is payable in silver only (no notes). The prospective member must accept and recite the Oath of Membership at the induction.





Member Oath


I ________, do solemnly swear to bear true faith and dedication to Willow Hall, its members and the beliefs and values it is governed by ; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation and that I will well and resolutely fulfill the responsibility in which I am about to enter. I hereto commit my life in allegiance to Willow Hall and to the lands in which I roam.



Officer Oath


“I ________, having been entrusted by the Members of Willow Hall to hold the office of ____________, do solemnly swear to uphold and defend the beliefs of Willow Hall. I swear to wield the powers given me for the betterment of the House and its Members. I hereto commit my life in allegiance to Willow Hall, to the Members of Willow Hall, and to the lands in which I roam.”





Willow Hall - Presiding Officers on day 12 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5123.

WH Handbook Cover - Alexys_01b.jpg

Willow Guardian:

Branch Guardian:

Scroll Keeper:

Archive Keeper:















Mission Statement
Five Directives
Coat of Arms
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