The Black Wolves Den of Honor
Some have pierced the vale and crossed over.
Some have faded into the shadows of the great forest.
We honor those that made the path before us, for they lead us in our mission today.
Courage - Honor - Loyalty - Service

Renowned Lord Primum Defendere
Patriarch Founder and Protector
The Black Wolves Clan
Portrait by Naora Lytefire
Black Wolves Courtyard Statue
Finely chiseled marble forms a tall, broad shouldered human whose proud stance and clear features belie his age. A master sculptor has captured wisdom in his visage, levity in his eyes and strength in his hand as he clutches an ancient spiral carved runestaff. His other hand is raised in a timeless gesture of resurrection and benediction, offering protection under his ever vigilant watch. A circular plaque of red marble inset with a howling black wolf graces the statue's base.
Defender Hall, Primum's Office
Eight ebonwood chairs surround a great round table of mithril-banded oak. A round oak and iron wagon wheel set with sconces hangs from the center of the ceiling, keeping the office well-lit day and night. The eastern wall is adorned with a bold tapestry hung just above an official-looking desk. In a quiet corner of the office stands a small aquarium, the tropical fish milling about in their watery home, oblivious to the world around them. You also see a heavy oak door.

Noldi Stewarti
Alpha Wolf
Memorial Cavern, Forge
An iron anvil rests in the center of the small cavernous forge, surrounded by candles that keep the area dimly lit. Tools of the trade lie scattered across the ground, covered in silt and mica. You also see a black and red marble dwarf statue gripping a forging hammer.
In the Common language, it reads:
In memory of our dear friend Noldi, whose light shown so very bright. He was loved very much by his friends and he will always be in our hearts.